Thursday, December 23, 2010

Finally, We See The SUN!

It's been a LONG, wet week. So good to be dry and feel some warmth!


  1. Your photos always have an element of serenity in them, I like them very much! :) Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year, Neen. :) (Pss I've just gone for a colonoscopy and had 3 polyps removed, and 3 inner piles rubber-banded, ouch, and I'm resting, yet 'restlss' at home, know what I mean? Heheh...)

  2. Thank you Jane, that means alot to me AND OUCH! YES, being in because you want to be and being in because you HAVE to be? Very different things.
    Bless...and Love Jane
